What a storm!
Well that was a stormy Sunday! And a near disaster for our lettuces and herbs. But we got by with a little help from our friends.
We lost power on Sunday morning, and without power to pump water along the channels under our hydroponic plants roots, all we can do is manually pour water down the channels to keep the plants alive. The mature plants in particular suffer, and wilt so badly they look like seaweed! You can imagine our distress!
Along came our neighbors, extra buckets, watering cans and helping hands at the ready. And, the best bit, eventually they tracked down their generator.
Our power was out for a couple of days, and that generator saved the lives of many lettuces and herbs! And saved us and the buckets alot of work.
So a huge thank you to our neighbour's, so willing to come and help out ...
... and now we have our own generator. It wasn't on this month's budget but we feel so much better knowing we have power backup at the ready.
We lost power on Sunday morning, and without power to pump water along the channels under our hydroponic plants roots, all we can do is manually pour water down the channels to keep the plants alive. The mature plants in particular suffer, and wilt so badly they look like seaweed! You can imagine our distress!
Along came our neighbors, extra buckets, watering cans and helping hands at the ready. And, the best bit, eventually they tracked down their generator.
Our power was out for a couple of days, and that generator saved the lives of many lettuces and herbs! And saved us and the buckets alot of work.
So a huge thank you to our neighbour's, so willing to come and help out ...
... and now we have our own generator. It wasn't on this month's budget but we feel so much better knowing we have power backup at the ready.