
Tree no.1: Cabbage Tree
The Cabbage Tree: quirky and unmistakably Kiwi. Kereru in the branches. A Tui perching on the flax flower. A Hawk flying over the paddock looking for mice. Goats in the paddock. A Cabbage Tree Moth hovering. And a Pukeko family with an adventurous member.
Drawing size A4 on an A3 sheet. Pricing for fine art prints of this illustration available for purchase on request.
Email enquiries to saltyriverfarmnz@gmail.com

Bill the Farmer: a commission
Jane's brief: I would love a picture of my brother-in-law, Bill. We're soon heading down to Invercargill for his 70th birthday party in a paddock. When I saw your picture of Daryn carrying the calf, I thought 'OMG, that looks just like Bill but with a calf instead of a lamb!!!'.
Tell me about Bill: Bill is a quintessential Southland sheep farmer. He's a strapping 6 foot 4 gentleman, and gets about in his farm garb - hat, shorts, jersey etc. He grows swedes, loves his red tractor and has been known to rescue the odd lamb or two.
Jane sent me photos of Bill; in the first he was sitting on his red tractor, the next holding a lamb and another in a swede paddock. In all, Bill was accompanied by (who I decided were) little grandchildren. I got the impression Bill is a gentle giant and set to work.
Jane's reaction: That is just brilliant thanks!!!! So much like Bill. He will love it.