Edible flower ice cubes, ice rings and ice bowls!
Make very pretty ice-cubes, ice-rings and ice-bowls using our edible flowers. It's a fun job you can do ahead of the festive season or weeks before a party.
I use ice rings or ice bowls to house the ice-cubes on the drinks table. It's colourful and adds a bit of whimsy!
To make a ice ring, I use a round, flat bottomed cake tin with a smaller, heavy round bowl inside. Tip water into the cake tin until it's about 2cm deep. This will end up being the bottom of the ring. Freeze. Take out of the freezer and place edible flowers on top of the frozen water. Top with 1-2cm water and freeze. Repeat the process until you have the desired depth. To remove from tin, just run some warm water over the tin and inside the smaller inner bowl.
Over the years I've used the above method to make all sorts of cubes, rings and bowls. Have fun experimenting!